It is possible to log in with your personal MitID on behalf of the business if it is a sole proprietorship or if the director alone can sign on behalf of the business, for example, a startup company, a limited liability company, a joint-stock company, or another business form.
To log in to a voluntary associations/forenings e-Boks with a personal MitID, it is required that you are registered as a Association Representative/Foreningsrepresæntant in Virk.
If you sign alone or are registered as an Foreningsrepresæntant or have the role of Rettighedsadminstrator in the company's Rettighedsportal, you can follow these steps to log in:
- Visit
- Select 'Log På Erhverv'
- Enter your login information (associated with your personal MitID)
- Choose to continue on behalf of the desired CVR number
Note: This option is only applicable to companies using Standard Functionality in e-Boks Business.
If you wish to set up reading access for your personal MitID, you can read more here.